In a traditional CSA (community supported agriculture) people pay a large sum upfront and get a share of whatever is in season each week. In that model, people sometimes get items that they don't like and not enough of what they do. Our a la carte CSA model gives people flexibility and control over their share.
CSA members come to the farm to pick up their share for the week at our farm store located on the right hand side at 6034 Hanneman Road in Alfred Station.
Items from Living Acres and Living Cultures Farms are available to order as part of the CSA share.
Pick up day is on Tuesday from 1 pm-7 pm.
CSA members view the selection and order on our website. It is a quick and convenient process. An email is sent out on Saturday evening letting people know that the website has been updated and what new items and specials are available for the week. A link in the email takes you to the CSA order page. CSA members can choose what items they want for the week and submit their order.
The orders must be placed by Monday evening because the harvest is started early Tuesday morning for optimum freshness.
CSA members are responsible for bringing their own bags/containers and packing their shares. We no longer pack shares into plastic bags. All items will be displayed in the farm store (6034 Hanneman Road). An invoice with your name and amount that you ordered will be on hand.
To secure your spot in the CSA an email must be sent to with your inquiry to see if there are still spots available. Once you hear back that there is space available, you will be required to pay an "Invest In Your Farmer Fee." The fee is paid on a sliding scale with $50.00 as a minimum. More than $50.00 can be paid if you are able and willing. You will get a paper invoice with your order.
After your Invest In Your Farmer Fee is paid, you are considered part of our CSA and can purchase weekly from our farms during the CSA season. Members have the option to pay weekly by cash, check, or Venmo.
CSA members are NOT obligated to order every week and there is no penalty for not ordering.
There is no minimum when you place an order for the week.
Typically the harvest season begins around the end of May and goes into November.
When the harvest is plentiful you will have the option of buying larger quantities of vegetables, berries, and mushrooms and bulk items like cucumbers/tomatoes at a discount.
The vegetable, berry, and mushroom offerings are seasonal and vary by time of year.
We have a limited number of shares available. Membership fees will be accepted until we reach capacity. Checks or cash is preferred. Checks can be mailed to: